Undercroft parking is located below the building within its footprint, providing a space-efficient parking solution, but needs careful care and attention to create active or attractive ground floor façades to the street.


  1. Use in appropriate locations : Undercroft parking is particularly appropriate for sites with sloping topography or in areas of high density, where a parking level can be used to create a level development platform, and remove parking from the public realm.

  2. Active façades : Any elevation fronting onto a primary or secondary street should be activated through the locating of communal facilities, ground floor dwellings, and/or complimentary uses such as small commercial or retail units at the ground floor.

  3. Attractive façades : Where active uses are not feasible at ground floor, extra care should be taken to create an attractive facade, through the use of architectural detailing, selection of visually interesting materials, and high quality planting.

  4. Attractive and secure entrance : The entrance to the undercroft parking area should be designed to create an attractive gateway, using feature detailing or a change in material that is consistent with the design narrative or architectural language of the wider building.

This apartment block in Great Kneighton has used an undercroft parking approach , combined with quality planting and feature brickwork at ground floor level to create a visually interesting and attractive facade for passing pedestrians.

This apartment block in Great Kneighton has used an undercroft parking approach , combined with quality planting and feature brickwork at ground floor level to create a visually interesting and attractive facade for passing pedestrians.